Tıp öğrencilerinin bağırsak alışkanlıkları ile kronik kabızlık arasındaki ilişki



Aims: Constipation is one of the most common complaints digestive system. The prevalence constipation in general population approximately 15%. aim this study was to investigate frequency medical students, their defecation habits and correlation between two.
 Methods: conducted 1 January June 2019 through questionnaires. relationship individuals’ chronic investigated within scope study. Data on age, sex, status, change bowel last three months, frequency, time daily defecation, period spent toilet, reading type toilet used were collected.
 Results: 425 students included 2.86% reporting first year undergraduates school, while 7.53% third 9.09% sixth students. Irregular higher all groups. rate high groups with irregular defecation. It observed that those regular defecated more mornings. When for studied, it seen mostly less than 10 minutes. 
 Conclusion: In younger incidence lower compared elderly population. Bowel habits, however, vary according societies personal characteristics. Reading has become a habit among elongates toilet.

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of medicine and palliative care

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2717-7505']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47582/jompac.1283740